Diseases A - Z

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Chikungunya virus infection – Fact Sheet

Eastern equine encephalitis virus disease – Fact Sheet

LaCrosse virus disease (other California seroroup virus disease) – Fact Sheet

Powassan virus disease – Fact Sheet

St. Louis encephalitis virus disease – Fact Sheet

West Nile virus infection – Fact Sheet

Western equine encephalitis virus disease – Fact Sheet

Zika Virus:

Fact Sheet | Mosquito Borne Illness Form | Zika Testing Guidance (Updated November 4, 2016)

Other arthropod-borne diseases



Fact Sheet
Active/Suspect TB Case Referral Form 
School Guidance Letter (July 2018) 

Ben Franklin TB Control Program:

The Ben Franklin TB Control Program provides TB education, outreach, guidance and direct care services for active TB disease patients and their contacts in Franklin County. Click here for more information.